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Traditional Vinyl Pavilion$10,327.00
In stock 12 x 16 | Farr West, UT

Sold by:
Utah Structures/Montana Shed Center

Our vinyl pavilions are made from #1 grade treated southern yellow pine and covered in high-quality vinyl. Our posts are built with heavy duty wood and 6 x 6 inserts into a low maintenance vinyl sleeve. Each post comes with a powder coated bracket at the base to attach directly onto your concrete pad or wooden deck, and is covered with a decorative skirt for a finished look. The enhanced arched braces add stability needs to resist high winds. Our decorative post trim covers all the connections for a clean appearance. Engineered headers are built with 4 ply two by eights to span up to 18 foot long without sagging. The roof is engineered with double main rafters for structural integrity. We use beautiful one by six tongue tongue and groove boards for the ceiling, stained mahogany for rich appearance. The the roof comes with a 6/12 roof pitch and architectural asphalt shingles. Our rectangle pavilions our engineer to withstand 140 mile an hour winds and all this comes standard on your vinyl pavilion.
These are highly customizable depending on style, material, and size. These come in kits and this price does not include installation but the service is available. We have a 10 year warranty.
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