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14x24 PRESTIGE HIGHWOOD$23,942.05
In stock 14 x 24 | Sidney, MT

Sold by:
Montana Shed Center

This building is in inventory and includes 14x24x7 PRESTIGE, Iron Grey Lap Siding Upgrade with White Standard Trim and a Unspecified Color (Metal) METAL ROOF for the roof. Options with this building include 3' Steel Entry Door Half Glass (LH Swing), 6x7 Double Wood Door (Arch Top Trim), 10' Wide Shed Dormer, Sheetrock ready Framing , 24x36 Vinyl Window, Metal Siding Wainscot x length desired , Metal Siding (windows and doors) , Misc Option 1, Misc Option 2, Misc Option 3, 3/4 T&G Flooring, Misc Option 4, MISC Option 5.
What's included